This Sum Of Horoscope Makes A Woman The Wife Of A High Officer, After Marriage All The Luxuries Are Found


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In astrology, a lot of importance has been given to the yogas of the horoscope, on the basis of which things related to the future of a person can be known. According to the experts of astrology, the fruits of the auspicious yogas of a woman’s horoscope are also received by her husband. In such a situation, women who have Raja Yoga in their horoscope, get progress in their career, high position, and a lot of respect in life. Also, there are some such yogas that if a woman is in the horoscope, then she is married to a man …

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In astrology, a lot of importance has been given to the yogas of the horoscope, on the basis of which things related to the future of a person can be known. According to the experts of astrology, the fruits of the auspicious yogas of a woman’s horoscope are also received by her husband. In such a situation, women who have Raja Yoga in their horoscope, get progress in their career, high position, and a lot of respect in life. Also, there are some such yogas that if a woman is in the horoscope, then she is married to a man holding a high position or working in politics and after marriage, those women live like queens in their in-laws’ house. So let’s know about those yogas…

According to astrology, if there is Jupiter in the birth ascendant, Moon in the seventh house of the horoscope, and Venus is sitting in the tenth house, then surely such women become the wife of a high government official and they themselves also have a prestigious position in politics. Is obtained.

Apart from this, according to astrology, if the strong Jupiter is sitting in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house and the strong moon sees Jupiter, that is, if the Jupiter and the moon are strong and are sitting in the seventh sign from each other in the center places, then a very good Raja Yoga is formed.

On the other hand, if the Moon is sitting in the ascendant house of a woman’s horoscope, Mercury is in the tenth state house and the Sun is present in the eleventh benefic house, even then excellent Raja Yoga is formed.


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